Tuesday, March 04, 2008

It is incredibly satisfying having a family that you look at and love. I have the most beautiful (inside and outside) wife, and some amazingly wonderful and downright pretty kids. Like a gambler that feels a winning streak coming on, we even feel strongly enough to be open to enlarging our family even more...of course gambling is no factor in the equation. It's totally God. And of course, Geri is not censoring this post...although she would probably agree.

Knowing the snows were forecasted for the weekend we took advantage of the beautiful weather and $10 parking at the Zoo (the cars were out in force cherrypicking the free parking spots). Today I left work early to build a snowman with Benny and pull him around in the makeshift sled, which was actually a boogie board. Benny kept falling off, but we had a BLAST. We also built a snowman. I have to admit. The finished product was quite lame thanks to me, but the joy was in the journey...not the end result.

Did I mention I love this season in my life?


Anonymous said...

Adorable! Enjoy my family tonight!

-Crista Cope

chelsey said...

hey there its chelsey u know ur neice those pics r soooooo cute she is adorable she look just like gg or kinda.......she is gorgeous cant wait to see her we miss u guys like crazy soooo how is every body probably tired right now u know how those babies get....haha lol......that pic of her and gg was the cutest and then that one of her just smilin that was adorable i luved that video of her that was cute.......is benny gettin big???......u have no clue i much i aprecciate u guys i cant spell that word i am not a good speller haha figures......anyway in case u wanna chat here is my email address chelsey_m_25@hotmail.com..........anyway i luv u guys and hope to see u soon......send me some pics of her if u want either that or i will just com to this website anyway luv u guys talk to ya later