Thursday, May 12, 2005

Just got back from the Christian Family Services board meeting. I've never served on a board like this before, and I guess this means I'm all grown up...naaah. Who am I kidding-I want to host the golf tournament every year, and give out the trophy. Seriously, a good group of people who help many single moms, babies, etc...

I just remembered that I misspoke in the first paragraph. I actually served on a board in the 5th grade. A group of us guys started the "Baa Baa Black Sheep" club. Of course this was named after one of the greatest TV shows of all times. I was the president, and the dues were a silver dollar (no kidding!). This guy Steve was the treasurer. Steve moved to Miami, OK, and skipped out with our money. I should have been treasurer. With interest I figure Steve owes me $78 give or take. If you see Steve R-tell him to pay up.

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