Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Pirate Looks At 61 (with another drummer)

Jimmy Buffett turned 61 today. If he's looking to replace Robert Greenidge (trivia answer to the Coral Reefer drummer), here's your man!

Aside from the current child labor laws...he's got the look (what band doesn't want a drummer sporting a diaper and onesie), the charisma, the "it" factor. More importantly, the skills. He will also make the audience clap.


Mary Ann said...

Merry Christmas!!! I hope that you had a great day.

Bradford L. Stevens said...

I see music in someone's future! You are brave parents however to start with a drum set. Cute video!

Tammie's Thoughts said...

I think he could take over for Jimmy Buffett's drummer anytime! What a cutie!